British and Irish Studio Pottery Marks

New Search Functions: Use – and * to replace unknown letters in a word

We’ve added a new search function, for searching on partial words, using – and *. A dash, or dashes, can be used to replace single letters in a word, eg, B-rry or B-r-y An asterix can be used to replace several letters in a word where you’re unsure how many there are, eg, Ba*y Although […]

BP mark – Birkenhead or Brampton Pottery?

For several years a mystery B or BP mark has been attributed to Brampton Pottery or Presingoll Pottery, amongst others. The pots are a distinctive white stoneware decorated with brightly coloured glazes, especially dots. By tracking the marks and decoration – some of which also have a W stamp – I now believe it’s by […]

Searching for Irish names that have an apostrophe

So today I discovered that I can’t search for names such as O’Gorman because the database doesn’t recognise the apostrophe. I thought it had been fixed when we discovered it was adding a ‘?’ in place of an apostrophe in the text but it seems to have broken again. I’m currently going through all the […]

Mystery Marks

I’ve finally got round to starting a list of commonly found marks and misattributed marks which are still unidentified. Hopefully it will counter some of the misattributions creeping into the market place. If anyone can identify these marks please let me know. Always best to double check attributions on one of the popular studio pottery […]